Technology and R&D
In the pursuit of new value,
we are exploring novel materials and
emphasizing R&D of next-generation technology.
Seeking New Values and Striving to Research and Develop Unknown Materials

Microscopic analysis technology
In order to meet the increasingly stringent cleanliness requirements associated with the miniaturization of semiconductors, we are building a system capable of multifaceted analysis (both inorganic and organic).

Design with 3D CAD
We perform basic structural analysis and design seamlessly, leading to faster product design and proposals.

Test equipment for semiconductor and liquid crystal manufacturing devices
To evaluate performance under severe operating conditions in the semiconductor market, we have thermal cycle test equipment capable of cycling through high and low temperatures.

Data collection and analysis test equipment for failure prediction
This test equipment is used to collect and analyze data on pressure, temperature, torque, vibration, etc. under operating conditions, including failure modes, in order to establish technology for predicting mechanical seal failures.

Low temperature test equipment for valves
This test equipment is used to collect data on sealing characteristics, sliding characteristics, and stress relaxation characteristics of gland packing for valves in low temperature environments (-150 to 0°C). It is utilized for the development of gland packing suitable for lowtemperature environments.

Friction and abrasion tester
This tester is used for technical evaluation of sliding friction and abrasion characteristics between the material to be evaluated and the mating material to be used for sealing materials. Both ring-on-ring and pin-on-disk testing are possible.
Statistical Quality Control Measures

Analysis by data analysis software
Measurement results are shared with each production site via the in-house network, and the results are analyzed. In the future, we plan to further improve productivity by utilizing real-time molding conditions.

High-precision measurement and
data utilization with 3D measuring instruments
Three-dimensional measuring instruments assess the characteristics of critical parts that affect the sealing function of molded parts and provide feedback, which is reflected in product quality, including process capability.